Roll-a-Bong Games

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The Game Connoisseur

2021 was big year for all types of games.  This past year was so chock full of card, board, video, computer, and any other type of game you could imagine.  I consider myself a Games Connoisseur of sorts, an individual with a great knowledge of a wide range of entertaining games.  I am also a game creator of both board and card games, so I look closely at the details that make games fun and playable.  For this first column I will not highlight any game I have designed.

Board Games

My favorite board game, a top 5-selling game in the last ten years, and something I would play again if offered is “Settlers of Catan.”  I like the building aspect of this game and it allows various strategies to be employed to win.  The Stoner version of this game “Lords of Cannabis” is a dank remake of a classic game.  Lords of Cannabis grow weed instead of homesteads, but the whole Catan vibe is still there, and the game is fun to play every time.  The world building games are always both challenging and fun.

Dice Games 

I remember the first time I saw those crystal D&D dice in 1981 - they were magical.  I have a large collection of all types of dice, but my favorite is a tie between High Roller and High Die.  I love games like Yahtzee, and these two games add getting stoned as part of the fun.  High Roller comes in a cool round tin with dice, plastic chips, score cards, and instructions.  High Die is amazing that it is both a card game and a dice game, with two beautiful wooden dice and match cards for every side.  Extremely entertaining games!

Card Games

The standard deck of cards is the most popular deck sold, but it is not my favorite game.  I always love Milles Bournes and still do but my choice of favorite card game is a new one called Stoner Safari.  Know your way around a zoo-t? Then Stoner Safari is the card game for you. Think like a pothead to translate the stoner names for animals back into plain English. It’s the ‘name the animal’ quiz for when you just want to kick back with a bud.  Any idea what a ‘buzzy blood sucker’ is?  How about a “furry pet potato”?  In the scrambled mind of a stoner, these names make sense. But for the rest of us, it’s some trippy animal trivia. So, more often than not, you’ll just have to take a wild guess in this wildlife guessing game. It’s not as easy as it sounds.

Excelsior grand gamers! Now is the time to embrace the new and find a new favorite game.  No more boring old square boards or the same old cards - try something bold and exciting! Find the adventure in all forms of entertainment and let these new games allow you to find others with the same like minds.  So, Lords of Cannabis is more than a game, it is an introduction to new people and a way to engage with your fellow human being!

Game On!