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Want To Know A Secret?

I woke up this morning knowing that my life will end at some point.  This is “The Way” of things and being angry or scared will not change anything.  The space around us behaves in it’s way and we interact with that energy.  This means that you existed before the body you now inhabit was a reality.  The Universe had you and I in it’s plan when it was in its infancy and  it has a plan for us when this form is done.  I’m sure I have no knowledge of the before “Me” but I’m sure it was there.  Just like the knowledge of what happens to my essence when this part of my journey is over is beyond my comprehension.  But I know a secret…

The Universe can speak, and you are part of it’s communication.  From the first vibrations to the uncertain end, the thing we call The Universe will die.  The truth of being is that all things must change.  That is not a bad thing or even something that should be feared.  Take a moment, and be part of the grand symphony, allow your mind to quiet.  Try to sense the way of things and feel.  This meditation can connect you to something beyond just “Self.”  A moment of peace, not good, not bad, just part of the whole.  An understanding that things are as they should be and that you have the power to act to alter that path.  With each action, your journey is as it should be, and The Universe is ready to react.  Yes, The Universe speaks with you and it’s up to each of us to understand the meaning. 

The Earth speaks too.  You are part of this world, like me and every other thing.  We, together, make up the biome of the planet and together we affect the course of the immediate environment and it’s future.  This world was here way before humans and will be here way after, but the actions we take now can only hurt or help those in the immediate future.  Time will win and life will change.  That change is unwritten, but The Universe has a plan.  Every element is available for countless possibilities, but this again is The Universe’s biggest joke.  For all it’s wonders, joys, and love, life is finite. 

The Universe is made up of love and that power is what makes our finite life possible.  That feeling we have isn’t a mistake.  Like gravity itself, love is the way of life.  In the act of ultimate love, we yield ourselves now to our children’s future.  We spend lifetimes making the world a better place for our families and loved ones.  This act is the way to navigating the river of time in a peaceful, productive way.  There are other paths, some leading to suffering, pain, regret, anger, and even rage.  These choices are available too; The Universe only creates possibilities, not outcomes. 

The idea of having absolute free will is only contrasted by the knowledge that what we do in the end affects nothing meaningful or long lasting.  Most secrets are empty and valueless, it’s only an individual’s actions that give them meaning.  It is by design, we are one with the world and separate at the same time.  So what is The Universe telling us?  Enjoy that meal, celebrate life, live each day with love, and say goodbye to love when it passes.  The process of being thankful actually makes your mind lighter and allows you to accept both the ups and downs.  There can be no light without shadows, and thanks to death, we have life.  Thank  you for sharing your love with me!