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Does Weed Make You Horny? (2020 Best Blogs)

It has been my experience that cannabis gets my sexual fire going.  The first time it happened to me was when I was 15 years old.  I was in Provincetown on Cape Cod on a summer bicycle tour.  I was with a dozen other kids as we cycled from White River Junction, New Hampshire to Marblehead, Mass.  We had stopped in Provincetown on a long weekend.  The year was 1980 and this active Cape Cod town was home to many outsiders, like a Greenwich Village of the Cape. 

Saturday afternoon, a friend of mine told me he just bought hash from a guy selling off his boat.  I tried to act cool and excited, but I had never gotten high before.  Crap, I had never heard of hash before.  But there I was going into a head shop with my friend and buying a Buzz-by, a frisbee with a bowl in the middle.  We brought it back to the student hostel and grabbed some of the more experimental kids. Then we went out back and got high.

Later, my friend with his trip girlfriend and I went into the woods to get high again.  We smoked.  Elise, my friend’s girlfriend was the world’s biggest tease, and she got off on turning me on.  I didn’t care, I couldn’t stop staring at her tits.  The hash had ignited something primal inside me and I couldn’t stop thinking about sex.  My friend went inside to get another lighter and Elise and I we were alone together for the first time.  She leaned over and kissed me! The next ten minutes were spent in heavy making out, but when she saw Dan coming, she stopped and got up.  Elise gave my friend a big kiss and a hug, as to tell me that was just for fun, and they went off together.  Stoned, horny, and really confused!  I didn’t get high for more than a year after that.  Mainly, it had to do with opportunity, but I was suspicious of the Mr. Hyde stoned guy. 

It was tenth grade when I got high again.  A neighbor’s grandson came to live with them and we started hanging out.  One day he broke out the weed.  I had more apprehension about smoking this time and was scared of the effects.  Daren convinced me to do it and we had fun.  The next time we got high it was after school behind the gym.  Mr. Hyde showed up and I became a sex crazed monster again.  A childhood friend was at the gym playing volleyball and she was excited to see me.  She gave me a long hug and it happened, he came out! The next few hours started with talking, then flirting, followed by being incredibly stupid, and basically chasing after her to say I was sorry. 

As high school progressed, I smoked occasionally at parties or on weekends.  All the parties ended in sex-fueled failures and I got into a giant, four-year rut! It was only in last six weeks of the 12th grade that I found a girl and she loved to get high.  So, we got high and had sex a lot!  By the time I went away to college, I was a daily pot smoker and a dude who had a girlfriend back at home.  Mr. Hyde didn’t care, he wanted college girls! Unfortunately, he got none!

By the start of my sophomore year, I was settled in my new school and had broken-up with my high school girlfriend. I was ready.  Twelve weeks, 14 girls, and I started dealing pot.  By Thanksgiving time, I was burned out!  I needed to focus more, so I picked a sexy art student and we started dating.  She loved to get high! So, we got high and had sex a lot! More than high school.  We just stayed in and humped!  She had great pot connections, so we always had tons of weed.  That lasted for almost a year and then I fell in love, but that’s another story!

Still to this day, I just love getting high and having sex.  Now I know it’s the release of dopamine in my brain when I get high that heightens my pleasure and prolongs my satisfaction.  It stimulates my endocannabinoid system creating a feeling of relations and ease.  In ages past, cannabis has been known as an aphrodisiac and was prized.  Kings, Nobles, Empresses used the simple cannabis plant to release their inner sexual desires and achieve heightened pleasure.


I guess as long as Mr. Hyde is a law-abiding citizen, he can get his freak on!