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The Tokyo Olympics, The Delta Variant, and The Day After Tomorrow

On Saturday I plan to play tennis at a local park, take care of my garden, and see local family.  I won’t be talking about the Summer Olympics or how the Delta Variant has changed the fight against Covid-19.  I will mostly talk about being active at 55 and how I focus on health.  I gladly talk about my boys and my wife’s achievements.  I will play and spend time with my two young nephews. I won’t talk about politics!  Family will be absolutely vital in the world of next week, I would not like to create distrust or animosity, so I will only be respectful.  Long ago, it was family that were trusted business partners and each family’s supply chain.

Most people don’t realize that most of life is lived within a twenty-mile radius, and the rest of the world is far away.  The amount of taxes you pay locally is far greater than any amount you send to the Federal government.  In a place like New York, we import many items we use in our daily life, but we still have the capacity to produce these items if a grave emergency happened worldwide.  The possibility of societal collapse is closing in, and the worldwide supply chain is breaking down. Are there changes we can make now that can prolong, or even prevent the destruction of a global earth?

Live Small! Vacations to far away places put an incredible strain on multiple environments.  These exotic vacations are only available to the well off and is part of the upper-class culture.  The problem is that wealth doesn’t make you more important and allows you to consume far more than any individual could on their own.  We all have a carbon footprint and the Earth’s climate will be changed for the worse if we continue on this course.  The wealthy will have the easiest time adjusting to new norms and must devise ways to vacation close to home with the least amount of harm to the region and the planet.

Unhook from electronic gaming!  In a new world, power must be generated locally, and the idea of spending a whole day’s electricity on video gaming is insane!  RPGs or Role-Playing Games need no electricity to be fun and no power to run - just imagination.  Board, dice, and card games are so plentiful that you will never get bored playing them.  These are the games are for tomorrow and beyond.  No data sticks to save games, just good old fashioned fun!

Live music is essential! The day after tomorrow might be a tough time.  Energy may be in short supply, so streaming music might be impossible.  The world of today gives no power to the musicians, but tomorrow these individuals will be the source of joy and gathering.  I tell you that there is no substitute for live music and no recording can do real justice to a brilliant performance.  Music will save the human soul from any global situation and will allow humankind to continue without all the layers of technology and distance. 

You may ask, “Why talk about this subject?” I address the biggest problems first and life after tomorrow is the topic that troubles me the most.  I’m 55, and at the best I can live another 50 years.  What will the Earth look like in 2071? Will my children and their families be safe? My Grandfather did a great deal for me, and I feel indebted to do the same for my offspring’s.  I have taught my sons how to garden, how to be responsible, and to always work your hardest.  I do not shy away from science and politics with my family, I engage in a most serious discussion, showing it’s importance to me.  I believe they are strong and independent men with high morals and values.  I admire them and will never give up preparing for the day after tomorrow.