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This Ain’t Working!

Am allowed to say that? The whole freaking plan to combat Covid-19 is to become immune to it by vaccine or direct exposure.  Then what? It’s not going away, ever! What have we really done to mitigate the spread and the effect of SARS?  Covid-19 wasn’t the first, but these easily spread viruses are going to be here as a part of modern life.  People ask, when are we going to open back up for business? My thinking is far different than the current governmental approach.  What I propose is to put far more responsibility on the individual and less on general lock downs as an effective way to stop the spread. 

First, the biggest mistake is to put money into a cure for something that can’t be cured!  Data shows that the vaccine gives partial immunity for many months and some may be immune longer.  Those who get the shot can still spread the virus without knowing it, they just don’t get very sick.  This means that those without immunity or who are immunocompromised can get sick and even die.  The many vaccinated people will go back to life before the pandemic without the necessary changes that left them subject to extreme sickness in the first place.  Soon the cycle will start again, and every 3-5 years another global pandemic will pop up. 

I disagree strongly with this approach.  The idea that a far away scientist will make life safe for me again does nothing to help me live my day-to-day life.  The first thing we should be getting to every human being are tests! If you could just spit on a strip and see if you are Covid-19 positive, that would be a game changer! No longer will we be chasing the individuals that are contagious but show no signs.  This is the only effective method of stopping the spread.  Want to fly, spit.  Want to see a movie or a play, spit.  Make the invisible visible! Testing, not stop gap measures.

Physical fitness is a civic responsibility.  People who are fit tend to be healthier and more productive.  Physical fitness is a way of treating your body and the environment around you with respect.  Food is a source of both energy and valuable nutrients, with no other substitute.  The food we consume effects the economy around us.  Last year, going out to dinner was more popular than going out to a club or a bar.  Americans spend a huge amount of time eating bad food.  The fattening of America was good business, so no one said anything against it, with the exception of people like Michele Obama. 

2021 is now life with the pandemic, and the restaurant business is decimated!  Twenty percent of America is waiting for all restaurants to reopen so they can go back to work.  I believe that won’t happen.  Farm to table is far cheaper, healthier, and allows both grower and consumer to get the greatest value.  The idea of micro farming is smarter model for a sustainable future.  Grow the food where you need it, and there will be no waste on transportation or unnecessary packaging.  Return to a society that is self-sufficient and cut the waste out of the system.  Help those who need help, don’t just sent a check that has no impact on the person’s situation.

Citizens of a healthy democracy might choose to work together to help those folks that need shelter, food, and resources to care for their families.  Communities cold be a force of change, those communities can affect their areas and change the local culture.  First towns, then counties, then states, and before you know it, America will be the United States.  How can you celebrate when those around you suffer? Only the worst kind of sportsman does that! Great champions celebrate with others on their victories - greatness comes from character and not results! 

Not once did I talk about the government.  I don’t care what the government does!  I disagree with the shutdowns; the hospitals are no longer overrun.  If the surge happens again, then deal with it, but this pulling off the band-aid in the slowest, most painful manner is making people crazy!  We know the rules, let’s get back to work, school, and life.  Let the government do what it’s good at and let me have some responsibility for my own actions.  I wear a mask, I social distance, I do NOTHING!  Enough already - this way makes it worse.  Just infect me, PLEASE!!!  Waiting is the hardest part and I’m am DONE!  I can’t be in better shape, eat a better diet, sleep better, clean more, and do more to help my fellow human.   Next please!!!