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Dual Survival

I absolutely love the show “Dual Survival.” This program follows two survival experts playing out various scenarios where people get lost in the wilderness.  They are given various gear that they must make the most of in a survival situation.  The hosts are Joe and Matt: Joe, an ex-navy seal and an expert in wilderness survival and Matt, a hunter/gatherer who teaches others how to live off the land.  Together, the two guys make their way through different climates and environments.  They seek rescue and must survive along the way.

They forage for food, find and construct shelters, and basically do their best to stay alive in a hostile unknown location.  The show is riveting and I find the men’s basic acts for survival to be fascinating.  The idea is to stay mentally alert and to avoid stress and negative thinking.  The Navy Seal is gung-ho and is always thinking of how to get rescued- it is Joe’s main focus.  Matt takes his time and enjoys the wilderness, trying to find the best situation for survival and comfort.  The two clash sometimes, but they work well as a team and always give valuable information about how to deal with hostile conditions. 

They do more than live in the wild, they thrive!  The concept is to be knowledgeable about your surroundings and how to best utilize the resources you have around you.  From the top of a snow covered mountain to a bug filled rain forest, the show follows the adventures of these two wilderness guides.  I’m constantly struck by the ingenuity and skills used to live off the land.  Even in the dead of winter, they find valuable resources that aid in their survival.  More importantly, they never complain. Instead, they focus on vigilance and resources. 

Now, you are trapped in a familiar but unknown environment and you aren’t sure what the future holds?  Just last month, our apartments, homes, and local areas were a friendly place with limited danger and rich with resources that sustain life.  Today’s reality is far different.  Your dwelling is now your world.  Neighbors are potential threats and the simple act of earning money and buying goods has changed radically.  Time to go into survival mode!

Evaluate your situation first.  Take inventory and determine your safe pathways to replace needed resources.  Don’t panic, fear is normal and in some cases valuable, but at this first stage you need to quiet your mind and focus on survival activities.  Do not starve yourself, but don’t binge either.  Eat healthy and eat at the same times each day.  Plan your purchases and determine the most necessary food you will need for basic survival and health.  Figure out ways to get food at value prices and avail yourself of community outreach. Feel no shame - this is an important resource and it should be used if needed.

Your survival plan should be for 6 weeks, no less!  Time to take a personal inventory to see what is important and what is just folly and waste.  Stay informed and allow yourself the space to totally freak out!  This is crazy shit, it’s OK to be afraid.  Fear can’t kill you but maybe you will rethink some of your daily activities that increase your risk of getting sick.  Exercise will help alleviate some of the stress and keep your body functioning at its highest level.  Being healthy is the best defense against illness and a good diet is an essential part of that.  You must have some form of activity every day: without it, it’s easier to get sick and that allows your immunity to drop leaving you susceptible to Covid-19.

Do more than survive, thrive! Time can be a gift, use it well as I suspect this will be a once in a lifetime occurrence.  Make the most of your environment and find ways to improve your situation and your personal life.  Reconnect with those you had no time for, the fabric of society is made more colorful with love and sharing.  Take time to make yours and others lives better.