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Each year November arrives as a reminder that time is fleeting and that Summer’s heat will soon be replaced by Winter’s freeze.  The rich smell of the leaves on the ground and the vibrant colors are all around.  For me, the cooler, windier weather means the coming end to the outdoor tennis season, so each day playing tennis in the park is a gift.  Mild fifty degree days encourage outdoor activities and allow folks to ready for the coming holiday season.  November is truly the best of times and the universe’s gift to those living on our green mother. 

Thanksgiving could be the best American holiday and the one I look forward to the most.  Over the years, the tale of Thanksgiving and the Pilgrims has changed greatly.  Turkey wasn’t eaten, they were just too hard to catch, they mostly ate guinea fowl, a large pigeon-like bird that was abundant and easy to shoot.  The idea of the kindly Indians and the noble settlers was turned into fable; the truth was vastly different, but the idea of a harvest celebration was probably was closer to the facts.  The Thanksgiving holiday has changed into more than history, or a celebration of the first “Thanksgiving,” it a time to give thanks for our blessings and the family we are lucky enough to have.  November’s greatest blessing is the time we are given together.

The change in weather forces the change in clothing and, for many, it’s the clothing of the fall they have been waiting all year to wear.  Fall fashion is clearly the most superior of the year.  Summer clothing has style, but usually it is designed to show off what you got!  Fall clothing is all about function and style.  Mod boots, chic jackets and pants, scarves, other accessories, and hats of all kind.  Yes, Fall is the height of fashion for the year and most people can’t wait to break out the fall couture and strut down the boulevard.  November just looks better, and walking the streets of NYC, you are reminded of the amazing varieties of looks.

November’s Election Day is at the very start of the month and frees us of the filthy political advertising and constant noise from candidates and their minions.  I give you this, they will take that, just mind numbing! Month after month we are attacked for our vote, but we are freed from it in November.  The end of the political advertising and the beginning of the holiday advertising.  By the first week in November, every store has holiday music and smells like cinnamon. It’s not just businesses gearing up for the busiest time of the year, people start planning their visits and dinners.  November starts a time of reflection and redemption, a chance to begin again, the promise of a new year, now so close.    

November 16th 1965, I was born.  November reminds me of the birthdays past. My parents now gone, my family all estranged, I’m now alone with my wife and two sons.  I remember the warmth and love of those who have loved me in the past, presents given with affection, and attention from those I treasured.  I remember many parties and celebrations in my honor, they were the best of times!  Moments more precious that any gift, November’s treasured times!  So I ask my heart to be tame and to be patient to see what this November holds in store.  Yes, November is here, don’t waste a single moment, this is the best life has to offer.