Roll-a-Bong Games

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NYC Style D&D- A New Vision

NYC Comic Con breaks attendance records again.  This year, the number of role playing, board, and card games tripled.  Public demand for gaming spaces has increased and the shortage is noticeable.  The limited open gaming areas are so overwhelmed that gaming has become almost impossible to find.  Many of these games are held in private to allow players their choice of libation, some smoke, some drink, other’s eat chips, one thing is clear that public gaming spaces can’t offer the environment that reflects today’s changing attitudes.  It’s time for a new, New York City style, gaming experience. 

The rise of underground cannabis clubs opens up unused space for gaming.  Game lounges and open gaming spaces can’t make it in Manhattan because the space is too expensive to let gamers play for free.  By combining the money making power of a dispensary and the open unused space of these smoking areas, gamers have a unique opportunity to game for free.  By introducing D&D to this new audience, individuals will get to see what the big deal is about Dungeons and Dragons.

What I do know is that Dungeons and Dragons has become hot, and an integral part of pop culture.  I’ve been to gaming stores, not a fun place to play!  I guess if you have no other option, a gaming store is it, a place to play.  These games are solid, but lack intimacy and hospitality!  I prefer to play with my bong at hand, adding a little ganja to the magic of role playing.  My idea is to mix my ganja board and card games idea with a D&D adventure.  A pot infused dungeon crawl with a the bells and whistles.  Miniatures, 3-D terrains, prizes instead of treasure, and most importantly we smoke!

I came up with a fun, pot-themed title to peak potential players interests. “Fellowship of the Bong,” a cannabis infused D&D adventure for 4-6 players.  Representatives for the various tribes of Jah have assembled to join forces to retrieve sacred items stolen from each.  The Elves, Dwarves, Halflings, Humans, and Half-Orcs have sent emissaries in peace to work together with the other races.  The villainous Grondarr the Pestilent, a giant Ogre, and his dastardly minions stole the relics from each races’ holy shrines.  It’s only when the Gnome representative, Hew Van Bluntson, arrives to share his Bardic knowledge that the mission is ready.

The five items when joined form the Mystic Chalice of Ganjarre, demi-god of fire/nature.  The tales tell that when the sacred items are used together, they create magic that can defeat armies while giving the user a dank and smooth hit!  The Fellowship must enter the lair of the Giant Ogre and retrieve the sacred items before they are used to conquer the known world and bogart all the weed!  The Gnome leads the noble group to their goal.

Included in the Fellowship are Lothlorian, Elven Wizardess, seeking the Conduit of Jah- a golden tube.  Ander Goldenbong, the Roguish Halfling representative, seeking Finnegan’s Charmed Pipe.  Brother Soulforge, Dwarven Cleric of Earth, seeking Aurum’s Collection Plate.  Sir Landrew Vert, Paladin and representative of the human tribes, seeking the Gold Sphere from the Statue of Tyr.  The Half-Orc tribes sent Lessgarr seeking the seeds and flowers from the holy Akkapokoh Gold Bush.

The lair is a maze of barracks, traps, loot, secret passages, and lots of magic weed.  Inside are minions ready to defend their master’s home.  Players will be expected to, with the help of their skills and abilities, find their way through the hellish gauntlet to retrieve all five golden relics.  The game will include dungeon tiles, miniatures, tricks and treats in each room, and lots of fast-paced hard-hitting action. This two hour RPG experience will satisfy the most experienced gamer and be easy enough for a first time player to get a taste of the game from “The Big Bang Theory” and “Stranger Things.”

“Fellowship of the Bong” will leave you breathless and buzzed!